And don't have the teachers or counselors initiate those discussions. If the student wants to inform other students or whoever at school that the student is leaning towards masculine feelings or feminine feelings that certain day, fine-just don't change the textbooks for everyone else. Let the parents discuss any gender identity issues with their child.
In line with the biology class being taught at that age.
In the above does 'their' refer to the school counselors? Why is gender identity being discussed in school? The 13-year-old is either a male or female student. Not too long ago prominent Democrats were pushing for censorship and labels on music they deemed harmful to the youth.ĭidn't like that because that is the type of choice that should be made by parents (or any adult).ĭescovich cited the example of a woman whose 13-year-old had met with school counselors about their gender identity without notifying her, including to decide 'which restroom she was going to use'